Wow so much has happened since I last blogged I don't really know where to start. Well most of you already know that we have finally moved back to Arizona which we couldn't be happier about. The biggest blessing happened to us when Josh was offered a job with Boeing in Mesa which was a HUGE surprise and MERRY CHRISTMAS to us!! So now starts the journey of settling in Arizona and finding a house, which I am soooo excited about, and basically starting a new chapter of life w/ our little family. I will definitely miss a few things about Idaho which are: Our awesome ward, no traffic, yummy cold tap water, our family doctor, and the very little crime in Rexburg (which of course the only crime I witnessed was our crazy neighbor below us shooting her gun off) other than that I am glad to be out of Idaho and into beautiful Arizona with all of our family!!
Jaden is now two months old and growing up so fast. He is getting so big to me, but watching him grow is so much fun, it seems like he learns new things everday and smiles more and more! He has his two month old check-up this week and will have to get his shots :( which I'm sad for him but it's for the best.

Jaden's first walk in AZ..riding in style!!

Our speical deilvery from Santa!!

Grammy getting Jaden all clean and ready for bedtime!!

Grandpa Bracken w/ Jaden and Cousin Ashley