We actually didn't celebrate Halloween really haha I know we are lame. It's hard to really get into the holiday when Jaden doesn't get it and we are here in Washington, so there is really nothing to do. Let's face it, when you have a baby the funnest thing to do is show them off to your family and friends in their cute costume but we don't have any family here and not too many friends so didn't see much point to it. I did however dress Jaden up in his cute little baseball outfit/pj's so I guess I sort of had some Halloween spirit. So this weekend we decided to take a ferry to Bainbridge Island and check out sites there. Yeah really not much to it and the little shops are WAY over priced but the ferry ride was fun and we took some nice pictures of Jaden so yeah that's about it. I really want to get into photography, so I think when we move back to AZ I'm going to take some classes.
This post is a few days late but still it had to be done. My little sweet baby boy is now OFFICIALLY 1 years old! Where has the time gone? Since we already celebrated his birthday in Arizona we didn't do too much on his actual birthday. We did, however, let him make a mess with a 2nd cake, which his Aunty Robyn got to witness through facetime (skyping through Iphones), because she was in New York and missed his party.I am excited to begin a another new year and to continue to watch my sweet little baby grow into a toddler!
My then brand new baby boy! My now big ONE year old!
Jaden's actual birthday is not till the 18th of this month, however, I wanted family to be there for his birthday party so we celebrated it early in Arizona. Well his 1st birthday party was a perfect success, and it's crazy that my little baby is almost 1 years old. It seems like yesterday I was just holding him in my arms for the first time and now he is almost a toddler. The last year has been the best year and hard at the same time but would not trade it for anything. I am so blessed to have such a little angel sent to me from my Father in Heaven and feel privileged to be his mommy.
Here is Jaden's birthday invitation..simple but cute!
This is Jaden waiting by the front door for everyone to show up to his party...people were late so he was getting discouraged hahaha
This is the whole set up including the delicious cake! I chose a doggy on the cake because that is currently Jaden's favorite animal. Hopefully once we settle into a house we can get him a puppy!
Jaden eating cake was probably what I was looking forward to the most! However, he doesn't really know the concept of eating on his own yet (this is my fault because I baby him and always feed him myself)so he really just smashed the cake around and threw it on the floor haha it was cute!
The Presents! Jaden got so many fun presents that will entertain him for a long time so thank you sooooooooo much to his grandparents and aunty Aubrey it is very much appreciated!
So I don't consider myself very creative,however, I have to give myself props for this oh so cute diaper cake I made for my sister-in-law's baby shower coming up this weekend. I put alot of effort and research into this and with a little help from my mom (she suggested the green tissue paper all over it) I made "my creation". I think we all know who baby Brityn's favorite aunt is going to be :)
We headed back to Lake Powell for our last trip of the summer and it was a blast!! The last trip is always the best because it's a mini family reunion, and it's so great to see all of our extended family. Jaden did so much better this time, mainly because he was not sick, and we were smart and brought his pack n play. Also my sweet hubby joined me on this trip so of course that made it just that much sweeter! So here are tons of pics from our last LP trip of the year, we will also be moving back home to Arizona soon so I'm really excited about that.
Josh and I went on a wonderful honeymoon to Cancun, Mexico for 8 day 7 nights in an all inclusive resort. We had a blast from relaxing on the beach, swimming with the dolphins, snorkeling, all the way to taking a tour to the Chichen-itza Pyramids (that was Josh's favorite). All and all it was a very fun and romantic honeymoon and we owe it all to my new in-laws for making it possible!
Josh and I had both been up to BYU-Idaho for our first time in January 2007, but NEVER MET each other while we were there which was weird since you usually know everyone in such a small town like Rexburg. Anyways we both came home in July after our school year was over and got a job. This is where the magic started at a company called Magellan Health Services. It was a brand new company so we all had to go through training, and on our first day of training we had to go around the room and say are names and a little about ourselves. So I stood up first said my name and that I was going to school at BYU-Idaho and I was going back in January. It then came around to Josh's turn and he said his name and that he went to BYU-Idaho too and he was going back in January too. We looked at each other and it was from that point on we were inseparable.