Jaden had so much fun riding in the dunes all safe and snug in his car seat, with his cool helmet and goggles. He even survived me rolling the rhino over upside down. Luckily no one was hurt and just a little scared, I pretty much fired myself from ever driving again hahaha. Also while we were there both of the binki's I had for Jaden he chewed up, so of course he wanted nothing to do with them the whole trip..AWESOME.
I did find one more binki that is good at my mom's house tonight, and tried giving it to him at bedtime because he was fussing but he spit it out. I think it's almost safe to say we are binki FREE and that he doesn't want one anymore. Which makes me happy that he kicked the habit on his own and I didn't have to be the bad guy!! Thanksgiving was wonderful this year and I feel very grateful to my Father in Heaven for my wonderful little family and all that we are blessed with, I really do love this time of year when we can reflect on all the things we are thankful for and for all the fun memories we get to make around this festive holiday season.