I have a five year old!! I'm really starting to feel old, and I can't believe how time has flown. I truly love this age and the stage we are in with Jaden. He is only getting sweeter and smarter with age and I can't say I wish him to be any younger! This year I decided to have Jaden's birthday party at the gym I work at. They do all the work for you and I just get to sit back and relax (plus I get an amazing discount, so why not)?
Stats on Jaden at 5 years old:
Weight: 30lbs (such a little thing)
Likes: Star Wars, Pre-School, drawing, playing with his friends, building legos, reading books, watching star wars movies and WALL-E, singing Church Primary songs, and playing/fighting with his brother.
Dislikes: Getting his face wet and putting gel in his hair
My baby is also starting Kindergarten next year so that will be a big step as well.
Jaden has moved on from Thomas the Train (sad day) and is now focused 100% on Star Wars. So that was the theme this year! He pretty much got EVERYTHING Star Wars and is in heaven right now with all his new toys. Since I work pretty much every day, Jaden has made lots of friends at my work, so half the kids we invited were from the gym. The party was the Saturday before his real birthday, they started out jumping around in the bounce house, then played gym games (scooter races and just pushing each other around and lots more bounce house! Here is a picture overload of the party.
This is the one and only Emillio, one of Jaden's very best friends at the gym.
This is Jaden's best little girlfriend Ava, they are pretty much inseparable at the gym.
Fun Gym Games!
My co-worker Zach who did such a great job at entertaining the kids, because he is totally one of them.
Sitting down to eat pizza and cake!
Time for presents, presents, and more presents...
Bella boo and Jaden!!
Emily is another one of my co-workers who is totally awesome, love her!!
Another one of my co-worker's daughter Elle!
Eating yummy cake!
A birthday would not be complete without Jaden's very best friend Matt!
This picture was taken on Jaden's actual birthday over at my in-laws house! It's the traditional birthday cheek kiss. Oh how I have cherished these last five years with my sweet baby boy Jaden, I love him more than words can say, and proud to be his mama forever! Love you sweet boy and happy birthday!!!