Josh was offered to help with another project up there, which was a financially smart decision and will help further his career. Unfortunately we will not be moving into our beautiful house right away, it will just sit there waiting for us till we get back sometime hopefully in May. The up side is that when I get back to Arizona, I can do all the upgrades and furnishings to my new house that I want, so that makes this living in Washington business bearable haha.So for now I will just be traveling back and forth like usual between Washington and Arizona, but hey I'm racking up those Southwest rewards points so that's another positive.
I will also be in Arizona for the entire month of December so that makes me happy as well. The only down part is Josh has to go back to WA to work for a few weeks, but will be back right before Christmas, and then it's SAND DUNES for New Years..SO EXCITED for that!!!
The whole family!
My siblings!
Our little family!
My aunt had a Santa Clause come to her house for the kids on Thanksgiving. As a parent you look forward to these moments when your little one get's to sit on Santa's lap. As you can see Jaden was not enjoying himself hahha but it's the classic crying picture and I LOVE IT!
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