Sleep: 12 hours and still takes 2-3 hour naps
Weight: 21 lbs (he does well on eating now but is just skinny I guess)
Height: 33 inches
Favorite Food: Pizza, peas, carrots, gold fish, animal crackers, anything with ketchup and anything sweet
Favorite toys: Anything Thomas the Train, trucks, cars, and of course the iPad/iPhone
Binki: Unfortunately yes, we are going to try and take it away soon, but I'm torn between doing it now or after the baby is born. Any suggestions on that?
Crib: Yes, and I have decided to keep him in it until a little after the baby is born. I will switch him over to a toddler bed once the baby goes into the crib.
Dislikes: When we take his binki away, putting his toys away at grandma and papa's house, and sitting in his highchair for a long period of time.
Achievements: Can recognize and say all letters of the alphabet, knows numbers 1 through 10, can recognize and say people's names, very good at holding a pen/pencil the correct way, and has not taken a bottle for two months hahah don't judge me.
Things we hope to achieve in the next year: NO BINKI, toddler bed, potty training, better listening skills, no more highchair (which he does well at the table in a big chair, but I prefer to keep the mess small still haha) and help him be the best big brother ever!
Here is a picture overload from the party (I am 6 1/2 months prego and already huge, so no judgement please. Also our house is still not all the way furnished or done yet so those pics are still to come)...
He was upset because I took his binki away for the picture haha
I feel so blessed to have my sweet little toddler and can't wait to see how he grows and progresses in the next year. It is definitely challenging and rewarding going through the toddler years but worth it all. Jaden's birthday was also very emotional for me because it was my sister's last day/night in Arizona. Her husband received a great job opportunity in New York City so they up and moved to the big apple. They will be living right in Manhattan, basically on Wall Street, so it will be lots of fun to visit every year. My sister is truly my best friend and I feel as though part of my heart is gone now.
I know she is a plane ride away, but it's not the same as when I could just go see her whenever I wanted too. Every Thursday she had off we would hang out and just have fun together, she is also the greatest aunt to Jaden and the biggest help to me with him. I dropped them off at the airport this morning and ever since just feel like crying, I miss her so much already. On the upside she is coming to visit right after the baby is born so I just have to make it a few more months until we are reunited again. So to end things on a happy note haha life is good, Jaden's birthday was a great success and I just blogged!!
1 comment:
he's so cute!
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