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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

*Bad start to a new year*

Last year in January Jaden was in the hospital for being sick, starting off this year he had to go to the hospital last night for a fractured elbow. Josh and I were going on a "last date" before the baby comes to a Suns game with my parents. So we left Jaden with my in-laws and went to my parent's house to eat before the game, and then the call comes. Jaden apparently fell off his little car slide thing and they thought at first that he broke his wrist. So we rushed over to Urgent Care who only told us that we should go to the hospital, thus starting our 4 hour stay at the hospital. Seriously they need to work on the health care system because that 4 hour stay really could of been like an hour but oh well. So they did x-rays and wrapped his little arm in a splint for now, then I have to take him to a specialist to possibly get a cast on it. He was so sweet at the hospital and very brave throughout the whole thing so I'm so proud of him. Awww this really could not of happened at worse time only because the baby will be coming soon, so I will have a brand new baby and a toddler with a broken arm lol this should be interesting.
Is this not the sweetest face ever!?! Love him!!!

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*For time and all eternity*

*For time and all eternity*

Suns Game

Thinking of a game plan

A kiss for good luck at the game!


Josh and I went on a wonderful honeymoon to Cancun, Mexico for 8 day 7 nights in an all inclusive resort. We had a blast from relaxing on the beach, swimming with the dolphins, snorkeling, all the way to taking a tour to the Chichen-itza Pyramids (that was Josh's favorite). All and all it was a very fun and romantic honeymoon and we owe it all to my new in-laws for making it possible!

Honeymoon in Cancun, Mexico

Honeymoon in Cancun, Mexico
Us in front of the beautiful ocean

Swimming with the Dolphins

The dolphin giving me a smooch!

Eating dinner at the HardRock Cafe


Yummy Pina Coladas